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Author: Benji Harrington

Benji Harrington

Gaming For 5 Year Olds

Gaming For 5 Year Olds

  At five years of age, many children are ready to start playing video games. Games are an excellent way for your child to learn new skills, solve problems, and engage with their favorite characters.…

Should kids play video games

Should kids play video games

Should Kids Play Video Games? As technology becomes more and more inescapable, parents must make tough decisions regarding their children. Video games are a popular source of entertainment, competition, and storytelling. However, everyone has heard…

10 Best Gaming Chairs for Kids

10 Best Gaming Chairs for Kids

When it comes to spending time gaming, having the right chair or rocker to support your back and provide comfort is essential.  Having a good posture means you can game safely without putting your body…

The Best Games Consoles for Kids

The Best Games Consoles for Kids

The Best Game Consoles for Kids The video game market is chocked full of options when it comes to in-home consoles. The major producers of in-home consoles, Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft even offer multiple consoles…

Top 5 Best Driving Wheels

Top 5 Best Driving Wheels

Nothing can beat the immersive experience of a racing wheel.  Here are the top 5 candidates that you should consider.   1. Logitech G920 Driving Force Racing Wheel This racing wheel from Logitech is designed for…

Gaming Beds – Top 5

Gaming Beds – Top 5

Black farmers in the US’s South— faced with continued failure their efforts to run successful farms their launched a lawsuit claiming that “white racism” is to blame for their inability to the produce crop yields and on…